
Deployment variants

9 min read

Context Let’s talk here about the various alternatives we have concerning the best way to install Fast2 for your migration.

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Why You Need an ETL Tool

7 min read

The world of modern business floats on a sea of data, and organizations’ information on their customers, products, and partners is becoming a recognized source of insight.

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The Six Benefits of Migrating to Alfresco Cloud

6 min read

Over the past several years, fueled by the global wave of digital transformation, businesses have been migrating from legacy enterprise content management (ECM) software to take advantage of modern, cloud-native content services platforms to increase business agility and innovation.

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Five Reasons to Adopt a Cloud-First Enterprise Content Strategy

5 min read

Until recently, on-premises enterprise content management (ECM) was standard procedure for most businesses. In recent years, the number of organizations deploying cloud-based services has increased drastically, with sources indicating that around 85% of enterprises will adopt a cloud-first mentality by 2025.

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How to Choose the Best ECM Solution for your Business

7 min read

Selecting a new enterprise content management (ECM) solution for your organization is an important decision that requires careful consideration. The system you choose will manage high-stakes corporate information, be used by all teams and departments, and need to comply with every geographical and industry regulation.

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SpringShell RCE vulnerability

3 min read

By the end of March 2022, the news of a discovered ”Remote code execution” (RCE) vulnerability in Spring Framework for Java have surfaced.

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Nuxeo Injector

7 min read

Fast2 can connect to a Nuxeo and inject documents into it. With very little information given, your files, metadata and annotations will be added to your Nuxeo instance.

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Alfresco migration feedback

6 min read

This project started during the middle of 2019 and lasted for about a year and a half. The topic was to migrate the whole document repository (seven million documents) of an insurance company, from a legacy homebrew ECM system to Alfresco 6.

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Migration Plan

6 min read

So you’ve finally decided to migrate your documents. Whatever the reason, it’s worth the effort. To avoid common mistakes you will need to follow a solid plan of action.

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AWS S3 bucket with Fast2

5 min read

Since more and more of the current technologies tend to rely on cloud services, Fast2 now upgrades with the addition of new modules dedicated to AWS: an extractor (which purpose is to retrieve data from an S3 bucket), and an injector (focusing on importing new files into S3 buckets).

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