Converting tasks

The content conversion related tasks will process the content to change its format. Use this task to convert TIFF, Office or even more to PDF. Check their functional purposes here.

Punnet zipper

Zip punnets into a zip file. A zip cannot contains a few punnets but documents carried by the punnet can be splitted into multiple zip files.

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Zip all documents in a single zip file Boolean false
Zip size limit Integer In megabytes
Maximum number of documents per zip Integer
The compression level between 0 and 9 (included) Integer Use large number for stronger compression
Also include annotation contents Boolean false
Document conversion

Convert your documents using the ConvertDoc library.

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Maximum number of document per call Integer 200
Temp folder to generate PDF to String
Process annotation contents Boolean If annotations are asked to be migrated, you can filter here to process their content(s) or only their metadata false
Scan recursive content Boolean Only convert terminal contents and not container ones false
Excel hack Boolean Use Microsoft Excel hack true
Supported mime-types String list Specify the list of all mime-types of documents which Fast2 will convert
Conversion exception is fatal Boolean Conversion exception triggers an exception. Othersie, it’s a silent fail true
Throw conversion exceptions Boolean If Fast2 performs document conversion, it can either fail silently or pop an error when the action has not been properly completed true
Mime-type : Check document before content Boolean You can assume the file extension is accurate, or ask Fast2 to check the content encoding to identify more precisely the document mime-type. By default, Fast2 will check at content level false
ConvertDoc path String Path toward ConvertDoc executable ConvertDoc.exe
Process all contents Boolean Fast2 will either only focus on the first encountered content, or process them all true
Temp folder to copy source files to String
Convert to PDFA Boolean Convert your document to PDFA format false
Annotation converter from INI to XFDF

Convert ViewOne annotations to XML Form Data Format (XFDF). These operations are supported only for PDF and Tiff files. Content dimensions will be fetched to convert these annotations To improve the performances add these 3 parameters to the startup-worker.bat script before the -jar : ‘-Dorg.ini4j.spi.IniBuilder=org.ini4j.spi.IniBuilder’ ‘’ ‘-Dorg.ini4j.spi.IniParser=org.ini4j.spi.IniParser’

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Postit annotation position PageRelativePosition Default position when an exception is thrown
Overload text and postit page to the first one if related exception is thrown Boolean
Skip conversion error Boolean Do not throw an exception for conversion errors false
All note font are black Boolean
Keep converted annotations Boolean Do not interrupt punnets if at least one annotation has been converted. Punnets carrying annotations that haven’t been converted will be flagged with a data named ‘ToReplay’ false
Text annotation position PageRelativePosition Default position when an exception is thrown
Annotation converter from IS to FDF

Convert your old IS annoations to Form Data Format (FDF). FDF file are used to represents form data and annotations in a PDF file with key/value format. They usually contain more information than XFDFs

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Skip conversion error Boolean Do not throw an exception when a conversion is triggered true
FileNet XFDF annotation converter FileNetXFDFAnnotationConverter
IsAnnotation parser ParseISAnnotation
FDF annotation adder FdfAnnotationAdder
Annotation converter from IS to XFDF

Convert your old IS annoations to XML Form Data Format (XFDF). XFDF file are used to represents form data and annotations in a PDF file through an XML. They usually contain more information than XFDFs

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Popup width Float Sticky note default popup width 120
Skip conversion error Boolean Do not throw an exception when a conversion is triggered true
FileNet XFDF annotation converter FileNetXFDFAnnotationConverter
IsAnnotation parser ParseISAnnotation
Popup height Float Sticky note default popup height 30

This class allows you to compress your PDF files in order to be lighter than original ones.

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Standard DPI Integer DPI of a standard PDF document 72
Process annotation contents Boolean If annotations are asked to be migrated, you can filter here to process their content(s) or only their metadata false
Target image format String jpg
Scan recursive content Boolean Only convert terminal contents and not container ones false
Skip invalid image conversion Boolean Skip image conversion if image is invalid / not supported. Keep the original file true
Maximum converted image ratio Float After conversion, compute the size ratio before and after. Do not replace source image when converted image size is larger to this ratio 1.0
Supported mime-types String list Specify the list of all mime-types of documents which Fast2 will convert
Larger threshold to convert Integer Only convert images which are larger than this minimum byte size 2000
Throw conversion exceptions Boolean If Fast2 performs document conversion, it can either fail silently or pop an error when the action has not been properly completed true
Mime-type : Check document before content Boolean You can assume the file extension is accurate, or ask Fast2 to check the content encoding to identify more precisely the document mime-type. By default, Fast2 will check at content level false
Maximum ratio to apply Float Images will not beconverted if the ratio computation is larger to this value 1.0
Process all contents Boolean Fast2 will either only focus on the first encountered content, or process them all true
Target DPI Integer Required target Image dpi 300
Target compression quality Float 0.7
Annotation converter from IS to XFDF

Convert your old IS annotations to XML Form Data Format (XFDF). XFDF file are used to represents form data and annotations in a PDF file through an XML. They usually contain more information than XFDFs

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Default page height Float Default page height used for text and mail document
Skip conversion error Boolean Do not throw an exception for conversion errors false
Remove annotations border Boolean Most of the time, annotations have by default a border set to 1. Set to true will remove the border
Keep background transparency Boolean Make background transparent when it is white false
Default page width Float Default page width used for text and mail document
FileNet XFDF annotation converter FileNetAnnotationConverter
Font size ratio Integer Multiply the font size value by this ratio
Default post it location PageRelativePosition Overwrite coordinates for each post it annotation
Create one annotation container per annotation Boolean
Overwrite border width Integer Value of border width for proprietary and arrow annotations
Date format String Date format of your properties stored by annotations
Ex/ 2021-10-01T12:04:56.0000765+0200
Highlight opacity Integer Overwrite the opacity in percent of highlights annotations
Ex/ 30
Convert ripole files

Convert ripoles files to PDF format.

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Temp executable path String /tmp/temp_
Ripole executable path String
Talk converter

Convert your talk files to PDF using iText Library.

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Process annotation contents Boolean If annotations are asked to be migrated, you can filter here to process their content(s) or only their metadata false
Scan recursive content Boolean Only convert terminal contents and not container ones false
Maximum input text size Long Limit in bytes 1024 * 1024
Supported mime-types String list Specify the list of all mime-types of documents which Fast2 will convert
Skip PDF creation Boolean Only perform text parsing false
Throw conversion exceptions Boolean If Fast2 performs document conversion, it can either fail silently or pop an error when the action has not been properly completed true
Auto-detect encoding Boolean Automatically detect the source text encoding used true
Mime-type : Check document before content Boolean You can assume the file extension is accurate, or ask Fast2 to check the content encoding to identify more precisely the document mime-type. By default, Fast2 will check at content level false
Keep talk header Boolean Do not parse the talk header and keep the original one false
Source text encoding String Encoding used for the source files
Ex/ CP850
Process all contents Boolean Fast2 will either only focus on the first encountered content, or process them all true
Font description String Format as {font family} {size} {style} where font family is one of {COURIER, HELVETICA, TIMES_ROMAN, SYMBOL, ZAPFDINGBATS} and style is 0:normal 1:bold 2:italic 4:underline 8:strikethru
Text converter

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Process annotation contents Boolean If annotations are asked to be migrated, you can filter here to process their content(s) or only their metadata false
Scan recursive content Boolean Only convert terminal contents and not container ones false
Maximum input text size Long Limit in bytes 1024 * 1024
Supported mime-types String list Specify the list of all mime-types of documents which Fast2 will convert
Skip PDF creation Boolean Only perform text parsing false
Throw conversion exceptions Boolean If Fast2 performs document conversion, it can either fail silently or pop an error when the action has not been properly completed true
Auto-detect encoding Boolean Automatically detect the source text encoding used true
Mime-type : Check document before content Boolean You can assume the file extension is accurate, or ask Fast2 to check the content encoding to identify more precisely the document mime-type. By default, Fast2 will check at content level false
Source text encoding String Encoding used for the source files
Ex/ CP850
Process all contents Boolean Fast2 will either only focus on the first encountered content, or process them all true
Font description String Format as {font family} {size} {style} where font family is one of {COURIER, HELVETICA, TIMES_ROMAN, SYMBOL, ZAPFDINGBATS} and style is 0:normal 1:bold 2:italic 4:underline 8:strikethru
Convert Wang annotations to XFDF

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Charset used for text String
Ex/ ISO_8859_1, ISO_8859_9, UTF_8
Tiff embed annotations Boolean
Fail if no annotation was parsed Boolean
Skip annotation parse exceptions Boolean
Annotation converter from XFDF to IS

Convert your XFDF annotations P8 format. This is mostly used to rollback from P8 to XFDF during complex migration.

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Skip conversion error Boolean Do not throw an exception when a conversion is triggered true

This class allow you to unzip the content of archive files. Multiple mime types are supported : application/zip, application/x-zip, application/x-zip-compressed, application/x-rar-compressed, application/x-rar and application/java-archive. Tar or gz folders are not supported yet.

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Throw conversion exceptions Boolean If Fast2 performs document conversion, it can either fail silently or pop an error when the action has not been properly completed true
Charset String Charset used for file names in zip archives CP437
Mime-type : Check document before content Boolean You can assume the file extension is accurate, or ask Fast2 to check the content encoding to identify more precisely the document mime-type. By default, Fast2 will check at content level false
Process annotation contents Boolean If annotations are asked to be migrated, you can filter here to process their content(s) or only their metadata false
Scan recursive content Boolean Only convert terminal contents and not container ones false
Process all contents Boolean Fast2 will either only focus on the first encountered content, or process them all true
Supported mime-types String list Specify the list of all mime-types of documents which Fast2 will convert
Recursive Boolean false
Convert email to PDF

This class allow you to convert emails to a PDF format. Formats supported are application/msword, rfc822 and outlook.

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
rtf tags list String list For mapimessageparser, if provided, can allow to override the list of rtf tags to filter out
Process annotation contents Boolean If annotations are asked to be migrated, you can filter here to process their content(s) or only their metadata false
Scan recursive content Boolean Only convert terminal contents and not container ones false
Custom mail header String Mail header to prefix the subject of the mail as pdf title in ARender Mail
includeInlineBodyWithHeaders Boolean
Convert Configuration Eml2PdfConfiguration Mail to pdf convert options. Can be null
Attachment in separate folder Boolean All attachments are included in a separated folder false
Mail subject in title Boolean Display mail subject in title true
Supported mime-types String list Specify the list of all mime-types of documents which Fast2 will convert
Separator String Separator between prefix and mail subject :
Throw conversion exceptions Boolean If Fast2 performs document conversion, it can either fail silently or pop an error when the action has not been properly completed true
Attachment in included folder Boolean Each attachment is included in a separated folder false
Mime-type : Check document before content Boolean You can assume the file extension is accurate, or ask Fast2 to check the content encoding to identify more precisely the document mime-type. By default, Fast2 will check at content level false
Custom body header String Body header to swap the default -Content- header set to the body Email body
Supported inline body mime-types String list
Process all contents Boolean Fast2 will either only focus on the first encountered content, or process them all true
Convert Excel to PDF

This class allow you to convert an Excel file to a PDF format.

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Throw conversion exceptions Boolean If Fast2 performs document conversion, it can either fail silently or pop an error when the action has not been properly completed true
Mime-type : Check document before content Boolean You can assume the file extension is accurate, or ask Fast2 to check the content encoding to identify more precisely the document mime-type. By default, Fast2 will check at content level false
Process annotation contents Boolean If annotations are asked to be migrated, you can filter here to process their content(s) or only their metadata false
Scan recursive content Boolean Only convert terminal contents and not container ones false
Process all contents Boolean Fast2 will either only focus on the first encountered content, or process them all true
Supported mime-types String list Specify the list of all mime-types of documents which Fast2 will convert
Convert from URL to PDF from its URL

This task will convert the content of any document into PDF format. All Fast2 needs is you to specify the URL/path of the initial document

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Destination folder String Target file path for the locally-created files
Converter path String Set here the path of the converter which will be used for the conversion
Key Type Description Default value
Ingore output file Boolean Converter does not takes output file instructions false
Process annotation contents Boolean If annotations are asked to be migrated, you can filter here to process their content(s) or only their metadata false
Ignore command return value Boolean Do not perform anything after conversion, whatever the command feedback false
Scan recursive content Boolean Only convert terminal contents and not container ones false
Destination folder for original files String Dump input file in a specific folder path. Set to null to disable dumps
Supported mime-types String list Specify the list of all mime-types of documents which Fast2 will convert
Timeout before stopping Integer Time to wait before killing the process. Value is in seconds 3600
Protect path with double quotes Boolean Surround file paths with quotes when building command-line false
Throw conversion exceptions Boolean If Fast2 performs document conversion, it can either fail silently or pop an error when the action has not been properly completed true
Mime-type : Check document before content Boolean You can assume the file extension is accurate, or ask Fast2 to check the content encoding to identify more precisely the document mime-type. By default, Fast2 will check at content level false
Conversion option String See application help for more details
List of error exit codes to skip String list
Extension to append String The extension to add to the original file name before any conversion. This value should not start with a dot (ex : html)
Process all contents Boolean Fast2 will either only focus on the first encountered content, or process them all true
HTML cleaner

Utility Class to cleanup inconsistent HTML

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Throw conversion exceptions Boolean If Fast2 performs document conversion, it can either fail silently or pop an error when the action has not been properly completed true
Mime-type : Check document before content Boolean You can assume the file extension is accurate, or ask Fast2 to check the content encoding to identify more precisely the document mime-type. By default, Fast2 will check at content level false
Process annotation contents Boolean If annotations are asked to be migrated, you can filter here to process their content(s) or only their metadata false
Scan recursive content Boolean Only convert terminal contents and not container ones false
Process all contents Boolean Fast2 will either only focus on the first encountered content, or process them all true
Supported mime-types String list Specify the list of all mime-types of documents which Fast2 will convert
Detect image format using ImageMagick

Find automatically the image format with ImageMagick in command line. Several properties can be added and the assiociated command line filled int the property pattern field

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Property map String/Pattern map List of the porperties to use during the process
Ex/ targetProperty = documentStringGetter
Key Type Description
identify.exe path String ImageMagick identify.exe path to use
Merge tiff files

From a tiff content punnet, merges all its subcontent merge together. All content must be in tiff format. If the subcontents are already lower than 2 images, the merge is cancelled.

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Throw conversion exceptions Boolean If Fast2 performs document conversion, it can either fail silently or pop an error when the action has not been properly completed true
Mime-type : Check document before content Boolean You can assume the file extension is accurate, or ask Fast2 to check the content encoding to identify more precisely the document mime-type. By default, Fast2 will check at content level false
Process annotation contents Boolean If annotations are asked to be migrated, you can filter here to process their content(s) or only their metadata false
Scan recursive content Boolean Only convert terminal contents and not container ones false
Process all contents Boolean Fast2 will either only focus on the first encountered content, or process them all true
Supported mime-types String list Specify the list of all mime-types of documents which Fast2 will convert
Tiff document splitter

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Dump tiff information Boolean false
Minimum pages for dispatching Integer 1
Corrupted JPEGs handled by ImageMagick Boolean true
Handle corrupted JPEGs Boolean true
Sanitize source JPEGs SanitizeJpeg
Force JPEG Sanitation Boolean false
Maximum number of source pages Integer Integer.MAX_VALUE
Minimum number of pages before dispatch errors Integer 1
Dispatch multi-pages tiff to a bunch of single-page tiff Boolean Only the first one will be processed when source contains multiple multi-page tiffs false
Extract wang annotations from Tiff document

Creates one annotation file perf tiff page where annotations are found. A property is set to the annotation content to get back the page

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description
Generate wang hexa in logs Boolean
Fail if no annotation was found Boolean
Skip exceptions Boolean
Write punnet description to a MDO-format

This task serializes document metadata in an MDO file format with a fixed length.

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Target file path for (local) files, can be pattern based String
Key Type Description Default value
Throw exception on missing mandatory data Boolean Throw exceptions if mandatories data are missing. Otherwise, silent fail false
MDO format specification file path String CSV configuration file path containing MDO format specification
End tag of document content String
Data name to add dataline into document data String If null data isn’t added in document
Skip from specific index Integer Skip writing documents from this index 0
Fallback on missing data Boolean When data is missing in the document being written, try to search it in the first document true
MDO-format with internal content Boolean Generate MDO-format document with internal content false
Data name containing original text content String If null text content isn’t added to MDO file, internal content only
Merge multiple content

Merge all contents of document from the first depth level. Can be used after Eml2Pdf task to merge header and body.

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Throw conversion exceptions Boolean If Fast2 performs document conversion, it can either fail silently or pop an error when the action has not been properly completed true
Mime-type : Check document before content Boolean You can assume the file extension is accurate, or ask Fast2 to check the content encoding to identify more precisely the document mime-type. By default, Fast2 will check at content level false
Process annotation contents Boolean If annotations are asked to be migrated, you can filter here to process their content(s) or only their metadata false
Scan recursive content Boolean Only convert terminal contents and not container ones false
Process all contents Boolean Fast2 will either only focus on the first encountered content, or process them all true
Supported mime-types String list Specify the list of all mime-types of documents which Fast2 will convert
Merge multiple mails

Merge mail header and body after a mail conversion

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Throw conversion exceptions Boolean If Fast2 performs document conversion, it can either fail silently or pop an error when the action has not been properly completed true
Mime-type : Check document before content Boolean You can assume the file extension is accurate, or ask Fast2 to check the content encoding to identify more precisely the document mime-type. By default, Fast2 will check at content level false
Process annotation contents Boolean If annotations are asked to be migrated, you can filter here to process their content(s) or only their metadata false
Scan recursive content Boolean Only convert terminal contents and not container ones false
Process all contents Boolean Fast2 will either only focus on the first encountered content, or process them all true
Supported mime-types String list Specify the list of all mime-types of documents which Fast2 will convert
PDF merger

Merge your tiff files into PDF format using the PDFBox library (v1.2.1).

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Remove document direct content Boolean Not referenced from folders (deprecated) false
Convert resursive folders Boolean Folders referencesd by the document are converted recursively (deprecated) false
Ignore conversion exceptions Boolean Each exception during the conversion becomes a silent fail indexed in logs false
Supported source mime types String list List of all accepted mime types
Convert office file to PDF

Complete converter from office file to PDF format using OpenOffice / LibreOffice.

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Target path of generated file String Path to use for generated files during the conversion
Key Type Description Default value
Temp folder path String Path to the temp folder
Output mime type String Mime type to set at the end of the conversion application/pdf
Delay to despair after an Office operation Long Delay in milliseconds 15 * 1000
Process annotation contents Boolean If annotations are asked to be migrated, you can filter here to process their content(s) or only their metadata false
Scan recursive content Boolean Only convert terminal contents and not container ones false
Shutdown Office Manager at finishTask) Boolean At the end of the task force Office Manager to shutdown false
Supported mime-types String list Specify the list of all mime-types of documents which Fast2 will convert
Localhost port number Integer 8100
Throw conversion exceptions Boolean If Fast2 performs document conversion, it can either fail silently or pop an error when the action has not been properly completed true
Mime-type : Check document before content Boolean You can assume the file extension is accurate, or ask Fast2 to check the content encoding to identify more precisely the document mime-type. By default, Fast2 will check at content level false
Delay to startup Office Manager Integer Delay in seconds 0
Shutdown Office Manager when exiting Boolean Force Office Manager to shutdown at the end of the workflow false
officeHome String
Office Manager as singleton Boolean Use static singleton OfficeManager to reuse process between two campaigns false
Process all contents Boolean Fast2 will either only focus on the first encountered content, or process them all true
Stop cmd for LibreOffice / OpenOffice String Command to use to force LibreOffice or OpenOffice process to stop
Renders annotations into a new PDF document

Requires itext-5.5.13, xmlworker-5.5.13 and jsoup-1.12.2 libs

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description
extraFont String/String map
Export punnet metadata using XSL script

Serialize a punnet to any file (CSV, JSON, XML, custom format) using an XSL stylesheet.

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
XSL stylesheet path String Or you can enter your xsl:stylesheet in the content section
XSL Stylesheet content String Enter here your xsl:stylesheet content
Key Type Description Default value
New document properties String/String map Specify here at least the documentId data. You can use punnet properties to resolve pattern
Ex/ Setting an entry with ‘myKey’ and ‘myValue’ will trigger Fast2 to look up for the metadata entitled ‘myValue’ in the punnet and its document(s). If this data is not found, the value will be set to ‘myValue’.
Replace Boolean Replace punnet documents by the new produced document (requires Append to be set) false
Append Boolean Attach output stream of you XSL script as a new document in the punnet. false
Encoding String Enter here your script file encoding. UTF-8
Tiff cleaner

Converts your tiff files to jpeg format.

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Out mime type String The target mime type for your documents image/tiff
Out extension String The extensions to set to your documents tiff
Convert path String convert -quiet
Supported source mime types String list
PDF splitter

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description Default value
Split definition data name String Name of the document data for split definition splitDefinitions
Key Type Description Default value
Throw conversion exceptions Boolean If Fast2 performs document conversion, it can either fail silently or pop an error when the action has not been properly completed true
Mime-type : Check document before content Boolean You can assume the file extension is accurate, or ask Fast2 to check the content encoding to identify more precisely the document mime-type. By default, Fast2 will check at content level false
Process annotation contents Boolean If annotations are asked to be migrated, you can filter here to process their content(s) or only their metadata false
Scan recursive content Boolean Only convert terminal contents and not container ones false
Process all contents Boolean Fast2 will either only focus on the first encountered content, or process them all true
Supported mime-types String list Specify the list of all mime-types of documents which Fast2 will convert
Transform your PDFs to make them searchable using OCR engine

Based on Tesseract solution, this task will parse each page of your images or PDF to extract text and create a new searchable PDF Be careful if you are doing multi doc or multi content : if names are identicals it will overwrite contents (ex sample.tiff & sample.gif will both creates sample.pdf. The first doc will overwrote the 2nd one

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Tesseract path String Complete path of your local Tesseract instance
Ex/ /usr/share/tesseract-ocr/4.00/tessdata
Destination folder String Target file path for the locally-created files
Key Type Description Default value
Throw conversion exceptions Boolean If Fast2 performs document conversion, it can either fail silently or pop an error when the action has not been properly completed true
Mime-type : Check document before content Boolean You can assume the file extension is accurate, or ask Fast2 to check the content encoding to identify more precisely the document mime-type. By default, Fast2 will check at content level false
Process annotation contents Boolean If annotations are asked to be migrated, you can filter here to process their content(s) or only their metadata false
Scan recursive content Boolean Only convert terminal contents and not container ones false
Process all contents Boolean Fast2 will either only focus on the first encountered content, or process them all true
Add file sizes Boolean If true, add input and output file sizes in the data set
Supported mime-types String list Specify the list of all mime-types of documents which Fast2 will convert
Convert Text file to PDF

Convert your text files into PDF format.

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Throw conversion exceptions Boolean If Fast2 performs document conversion, it can either fail silently or pop an error when the action has not been properly completed true
Mime-type : Check document before content Boolean You can assume the file extension is accurate, or ask Fast2 to check the content encoding to identify more precisely the document mime-type. By default, Fast2 will check at content level false
Process annotation contents Boolean If annotations are asked to be migrated, you can filter here to process their content(s) or only their metadata false
Image path String
Scan recursive content Boolean Only convert terminal contents and not container ones false
Formatted page text provider FormattedPageTextProvider
Process all contents Boolean Fast2 will either only focus on the first encountered content, or process them all true
Formatted page text converter FormattedPageTextConverter
Supported mime-types String list Specify the list of all mime-types of documents which Fast2 will convert
Convert TIFF to PDF

This task converts TIFF images into PDF documents using the Apache PDFBox lib

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Add pdf dimensions to dataSet Boolean Store dimensions in document dataSet named contentHeight and contentWidth only for the first page
Ignore conversion exceptions Boolean Fast2 will either throw an error if the image has not properly been converted, or fail silently false
Force to re-encode tiffs Boolean Force to decompress and recompress tiffs before encapsulating in PDF, slower but could handle some exceptions false
Unsupported producers String list List of unsupported tiff software producers
Default DPI used for PDF transformation Integer 200
Converter from Tiff to PDF

This task uses the IText library to convert content of TIFF documents into PDF format

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Keep image aspect Boolean Zoom image to fit in an A4 paper, but conserve aspect ratio true
Process annotation contents Boolean If annotations are asked to be migrated, you can filter here to process their content(s) or only their metadata false
Scan recursive content Boolean Only convert terminal contents and not container ones false
Adapt PDF size to source image Boolean Generate a PDF document with a size related to the original image size false
Ignore conversion exceptions Boolean Fast2 will either throw an error if the image has not properly been converted, or fail silently false
Supported mime-types String list Specify the list of all mime-types of documents which Fast2 will convert
Verbose logs Boolean Check this item to have more logs for fine-tuning stage false
Temp file cleaner TempFileCleaner Select here the module you want to clean the temporary files
imageSourceHeightProperty String
Throw conversion exceptions Boolean If Fast2 performs document conversion, it can either fail silently or pop an error when the action has not been properly completed true
Mime-type : Check document before content Boolean You can assume the file extension is accurate, or ask Fast2 to check the content encoding to identify more precisely the document mime-type. By default, Fast2 will check at content level false
DPI correction Boolean Check this to correct the DPI related to the image dimensions false
Rotate landscapes Boolean If imge aspect is > 1.4, it will be rotated to fit in a A4 format false
Clean temporary files Boolean Remove the temporary input files. To use this option, a temp file cleaner must be set false
Process all contents Boolean Fast2 will either only focus on the first encountered content, or process them all true
imageSourceWidthProperty String
Converter from Html To PDF

This task will be used to convert HTML content into a PDF document. Fast2 embeds the wkhtmltopdf command-line utility in order to carry out this conversion.

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Destination folder String Target file path for the locally-created files
Converter path String Set here the path of the converter which will be used for the conversion
Key Type Description Default value
Ingore output file Boolean Converter does not takes output file instructions false
Process annotation contents Boolean If annotations are asked to be migrated, you can filter here to process their content(s) or only their metadata false
Ignore command return value Boolean Do not perform anything after conversion, whatever the command feedback false
Scan recursive content Boolean Only convert terminal contents and not container ones false
Destination folder for original files String Dump input file in a specific folder path. Set to null to disable dumps
Supported mime-types String list Specify the list of all mime-types of documents which Fast2 will convert
Timeout before stopping Integer Time to wait before killing the process. Value is in seconds 3600
Protect path with double quotes Boolean Surround file paths with quotes when building command-line false
Throw conversion exceptions Boolean If Fast2 performs document conversion, it can either fail silently or pop an error when the action has not been properly completed true
Mime-type : Check document before content Boolean You can assume the file extension is accurate, or ask Fast2 to check the content encoding to identify more precisely the document mime-type. By default, Fast2 will check at content level false
Conversion option String See application help for more details
List of error exit codes to skip String list
Extension to append String The extension to add to the original file name before any conversion. This value should not start with a dot (ex : html)
Process all contents Boolean Fast2 will either only focus on the first encountered content, or process them all true
Cleanup HTML first Boolean Ask Fast2 to clean the HTML content regarding syntax and encoding true