The 2.12.0 version is the last minor version before the next major one !!!
Thanks to your feedback, bugfix has been our priority. A lot of evolutions have still been done.
You will find a new EmbeddedDBSource connector, better quality of tasks and the Explorer Place.
And much more !
Details below…
EntropicPersistent: Campaigns run well on same queue even if one of them is deleted
Json punnet: Improve serialization robustness and retrocompatibility
Json punnet: Single universal format during serialization to support all metadata format
OpenSearch: Upgrade from 1.3.1 to 1.3.15 version
Security: Upgrade other minor versions of dependencies
Database: Internal Opensearch supports Date-type metadata
Startup: Receive a reasonable number of warning logs when jcmd is not found
Map update: “Date modified” in local is updating only when map is modified (and not when it is used)
New: EmbeddedDBSource, a source for our embedded OpenSearch
AlterDocumentProperties: Add boolean to delete old properties
FlowerInjector: Flower connection provider is multi-thread safe
FlowerInjector: Have a whitelist of document properties to inject
CSV Source: Parse special characters correctly
LocalSource : Parse a JSON file with special characters correctly
FlowerInjector: Supports multi thread with components
IDMISContentExtractor: Update ImageServices extractor for Fast2 2.x
wkHtmlToPdfConverter: Better conversion robustness
DctmContentExtractor: Fix memory management to support big amount of documents
LocalSource: Recover the possibility to configure the task with relative path
Scheduler: Configure maximum number of job executions from the UI
Scheduler & Email: Standardize fields creation behavior
Link condition: Incorrect configuration sends errors and broker does not freeze anymore
Scheduler: Active box not available before job creation anymore
Scheduler: job, wait the end of a campaign to start a new one (no overlapping)
Queue: Place refresh and update issues are fixed
Dashboard: Fetch lighter minimal build for OpenSearch Dashboards package
Email: Display relevant information in campaign statistics report
Explorer Place: Add documentId in CSV downloaded from step results
Explorer pop-up: Improve the display of XML punnet
Punnet Tracker: Sort PunnetContext list by previous punnet context ID strengthens the backwork
Database: Backwards compatibility solved with “Run” prefixed renamed “Try” for campaigns
Explorer pop-up: Tooltip “History Punnet” updated to “Punnet Tracker”
Punnet Tracker: Track order issue is fixed with Exception punnets
Punnet Tracker: Stop at the end of the workflow
Explorer Place: Complex data structure is properly present in the downloaded CSV
And other minor improvements…
Catalog: Collapse with filter does not work with odd number of letters (identified in v2.9.0)
Retry punnets: Exception raised when doing a retry on task-n after a retry on task-(n+1) (identified in v2.9.0)
Logs: At Broker startup, ACR log level is debug (identified in v2.10.0)
Startup: Difficulties to do a cold restart after Fast2 crash (identified in v2.10.0)